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Our Story

I grew up a shop baby watching my mama work day in day out transforming black hair. She didn’t just transform their heads though she transformed their confidence. I’ve never seen a single soul get out of her seat less than proud. Cynthia E. Williams-Alexander, a prominent hair stylist in the 80’s & 90’s not only because she was “like that” with a press & curl or finger wave, but because she took pride in being a black woman. If you ask anyone who knows her they’ll tell you that she’s always had this rare, kind of unspoken ability to transfer such a colorful energy. When she retired from the hair industry years ago she took her pride in being a black woman and her love for black beauty with her. As a little black girl she instilled that same love and pride in me.


My name is Sydney J. Williams, a scientist & the CEO of Adamma for Mama LLC. I built this BRAND with aspirations of suppressing the stigmas attached to black women as it relates to beauty. With my Biology and minor in chemistry, I’ve used my love for science to custom-formulate a line of products that reflects my passion for black hair and beauty. Our products are hand crafted with women of every tone and texture in mind.


When I began growing this brand I knew I wanted every part of it to mean something. I wanted a name that sends a message for people to walk away with even if they walk away with out product, and a logo that reflects that message. I wanted little black girls to see my logo and understand that I am talking to them. In the Igbo language the name Adamma means “Beautiful Child”. Our logo projects a mother crowning her heiress. The roses of the mother’s hair represent the women who reigned before her, in my case my grandmother who’s favorite flower was the red rose. A mother sees no flaw in her heiress because in her eyes you are simply beautiful. “As is the Mother, so is her daughter”-Ezekiel 16:44. “Adamma for Mama”, meaning: “A Beautiful Child for Mama”.

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